Six Feet From Hell: Response is available on Smashwords and is awaiting acceptance to the Premium Catalog which will distribute it to Barnes & Noble, the iTunes store, Sony Kobo, and others! Six Feet From Hell: Salvation is almost finished, just two more chapters to completion and it will be done as well. All three books will be available soon through several outlets such as the ones listed above. New cover art is being done by Shaed Studios and will also be updated on their respective copies. Have a great day and remember that The End of Days...Again is FREE on the Smashwords link below.
Word count on Six Feet From Hell: Salvation
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The End of Days...Again is FREE on Smashwords, soon to be FREE on Amazon! Pick up a copy today! It is a 6,000 word short story that I did a little while back and has the feel of a Twilight Zone episode.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Just a reminder that Six Feet From Hell: Response will be on sale for Nook by Barnes & Noble as soon as the account request is approved! The fourth book is under going some name changes and will most likely be named Six Feet From Hell: Civilization and will be a slightly different setup as it will be in first-person as opposed to a third person narrative. It gives me a little more room to flesh out the main character. it may or may not be the only one in the series done this way, but I really want to make the character Joe stand out more. Have a great day!

Word count on Six Feet From Hell: Salvation
Word count of Six Feet From Hell: Civilization

Word count on Six Feet From Hell: Salvation
Word count of Six Feet From Hell: Civilization
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Weekly word count and update

I have been at it day and night with the ideas to get Salvation finished by April, and I have to say that it is progressing far AHEAD of schedule. That's right, the worlds biggest procrastinator is actually ahead on a project. I have so many ideas and things that I want to cram into this story that it could very well surpass the 50,000 word target that I am aiming for. If it does, so be it. It is a great story and it will be a blast to read! There are a TON of ideas that I am working on for the next Six Feet From Hell book. The only thing that I will reveal is that it will be set approximately 8-10 years into the future and will be a great story, as are the others.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Ground Zero - With Zombies update and release
Good afternoon! Just a quick post that will be on FB and Twitter soon after. Ground Zero - With Zombies is finished (a bit shorter than my intended target, but no big deal), and after a bit of editing and looking over, will be released for FREE here on the Six Feet From Hell blog first. For those who don't read it here first, it will also be added to the Kindle edition of Six Feet From Hell: Salvation, but it will be removed from the blog so as to keep up with Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing guidelines which state that the story cannot be sold or given away in any other form. I hope to have it on here within the next 24-48 hours, but we will see, most likely in PDF format. Have a wonderful day!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I really want to try and do something on the blog every day, but...I can't really think of anything to say for the moment. So in place of actually saying something worthwhile I will just take a minute to introduce myself formally. My name is Joseph Coley (friends call me Joe), I am a divorced 33 year old father of one. I have written two books in my Six Feet From Hell series as well as several short stories, one of which is for sale on Amazon I have written another short story which I am hoping will be selected for an anthology titled "Legends of the Buckeye State" The name of that story is "A Night on Holcomb Road." I am currently writing several short stories for the 6FFH collection as well as the third book in the 6FFH series. The fourth and subsequent books I hope to have out in around 6 month intervals (April and October) for as long as I want to keep the story going. The fourth book was originally to be titled Six Feet From Hell: Exile, but I have since changed it to Six Feet From Hell: Chaos. Exile will instead be the 6th book in the series, as I have come up with some new ideas that I want to flesh out in a few sequels before then. Please review my books and stories that are on Amazon if you like/dislike them!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
The End of Days...Again
Check out my other short story available on Kindle titled "The End of Days...Again" It is an approximately 6,000 word short story that is also only 99 cents on Kindle, pick up a copy today and let me know what you think of it by leaving a review on Amazon!
Check out my other short story available on Kindle titled "The End of Days...Again" It is an approximately 6,000 word short story that is also only 99 cents on Kindle, pick up a copy today and let me know what you think of it by leaving a review on Amazon!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Update on current works
22,828 / 50,000 On Six Feet From Hell: Salvation due in April 2013
4,364 / 7,500 On Ground Zero - With Zombies short story due February 2013
1,126 / 7,500 On Father of Many short story due TBA 2013
567 / 7,500 On Pedestrians for Speedbumps short story due TBA 2013
4,364 / 7,500 On Ground Zero - With Zombies short story due February 2013
1,126 / 7,500 On Father of Many short story due TBA 2013
567 / 7,500 On Pedestrians for Speedbumps short story due TBA 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Attention KMart shoppers! Got an update on some of the short stories for the 6FFH collection! They will be released here first and at least one will be included FREE with a copy of Six Feet From Hell: Salvation!
GROUND ZERO - WITH ZOMBIES - This is the story from dead center of the 6FFH outbreak in Buchanan County, Virginia that follows two of Joe's coworkers that come to the realization pretty quick that all is not well with the mining accident they are dispatched to.
FATHER OF MANY - This is the background story of Abraham, Lucy, and Bobby from Six Feet From Hell: Escape and how he amassed his "congregation."
PEDESTRIANS FOR SPEEDBUMPS - The story of what happens to Larry and Kody once they part ways with Joe in Six Feet From Hell: Response.
GROUND ZERO - WITH ZOMBIES - This is the story from dead center of the 6FFH outbreak in Buchanan County, Virginia that follows two of Joe's coworkers that come to the realization pretty quick that all is not well with the mining accident they are dispatched to.
FATHER OF MANY - This is the background story of Abraham, Lucy, and Bobby from Six Feet From Hell: Escape and how he amassed his "congregation."
PEDESTRIANS FOR SPEEDBUMPS - The story of what happens to Larry and Kody once they part ways with Joe in Six Feet From Hell: Response.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Social Networking Contact Info
Follow me on Twitter! - @josephacoley
Friend me on FB! -
Okay, so what I have noticed from some other authors is that once you have an audience, you gotta keep 'em hooked. I noticed that the BEST way to do this is to give a few things away for free. Well, that being said, I think that I will try and do that to the best of my ability. I will therefore be releasing individual stories on here from the Six Feet From Hell universe. The first story will be "Ground Zero - With Zombies" and I will be releasing it here in the Six Feet From Hell blog first. I understand that it is not in the Kindle format that everyone is accustomed to but once there have been, oh let's say 5 different stories, I will release them on Kindle. Once they are on Kindle though, I will start to charge for them. I know, money controls everything. The collection will be only 99 cents (as are all the 6FFH books) and won't really have a "set" date for release, but everyone who wants it can get it here first. I will be releasing "Ground Zero - With Zombies" in the next 30 days so keep up with me on FB and Twitter ( @josephacoley). Thanks for all who bought the Six Feet From Hell books and if you like 'em, leave me a review on Amazon!
Joseph A. Coley EMT-EN
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